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AbstractAmplification properties have been compared in Er 3+, Er 3+/Eu 3+ and Er 3+/Ce 3+ doped tellurite glass fibers using a 980 nm pumping scheme. The pump efficiency has been compared in the 3 types of fibers. Er 3+ ion upconversion in bulk glasses and fibers in visible range has been measured and the Er 3+ ion IR fluorescence intensity and lifetimes have been recorded to understand the amplification characteristics. Codoping with Ce 3+ is more efficient in Er 3+ doped tellurite fibre.©2006 Optical Society of America OSA Recommended Articles. References. View by:.
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A Textbook Of Applied Physics By A K Jha Pdf Writer Online
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This note provides an introduction to the mechanics ofmaterials and structures. You will be introduced to and become familiarwith all relevant physical properties and fundamental laws governing thebehavior of materials and structures and you will learn how to solve avariety of problems of interest to civil and environmental engineers.Topics covered includes: Galileo's problem, Dimensional analysis andatomic explosion, Newton's laws of motion, Continuum model, Beam stressmodel, Beam deformation, Beam elasticity and Fracture mechanics.Author(s): Prof. Franz-Josef Ulm and Prof.Markus Buehler. Mechanicsdescribes and predicts the conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces. Engineeringmechanics applies the principle of mechanics to design, taking intoaccount the effects of forces. This book covers the following topics:Concurrent forces on a plane, Composition and Resolution of forces,Method of moments, Friction, Ladder and rope friction, Principle ofvirtual work, Rectilinear Translation, Principle of Dynamics,D’Alembert’s Principle, Motion of a Projectile, Rotation of rigid body.Author(s): Prof. Mihir Kumar Sutar.